© François Le Coat
©Karl Samyn

Last modified :
         July 6 2012


A whole list with all the functions suported by Eureka.
ln = natural logarithm
x = ln(ex)
log = base 10 logarithm
x = log(10x)
imaginary unit : i
The imaginary unit is also often written as j (see curves of Bode), especially there were electrical currents are involved in the calculations and parameters. Current has also as symbol i.

The definition of i can be written as follows : i*i = -1.
Another way to see this is like this : sqrt(-1) = i (don't forget this is a faultly defenition because you can't take a sqrt from a negative number.)

Logic Operators :

    & = logic AND
    This operator can be defined by next table :
    X Y X&Y
    0 0 0
    0 1 0
    1 0 0
    1 1 1
    | = logic OR
    This operator can be defined by next table :
    X Y X|Y
    0 0 0
    0 1 1
    1 0 1
    1 1 1
    ! = logic NOT
    This operator can be defined by next table :
    X !X
    0 1
    1 0
Special symbols :
  • !> = not superior to
  • !< = not inferior to
  • // = parallel e.g. R1//R2=R1*R2/(R1+R2)
The constant values :
  • pi = PI = 3.141592654
  • eu = e = 2.718281828
  • i = imaginary unit

Set of available functions :

"asinh"		ex : asinh(x)
"acosh"		ex : acosh(x)
"atgh"		ex : atgh(x)
"abs"		ex : abs(x)
"ash"		ex : ash(x)
"ach"		ex : ach(x)
"ath"		ex : ath(x)
"atanh"		ex : atanh(x)
"acos"		ex : acos(x)
"asin"		ex : asin(x)
"atg"		ex : atg(x)
"atan"		ex : atan(x)
"arg"		ex : arg(x+i*y)
"cos"		ex : cos(x)
"ch"		ex : ch(x)
"coth"		ex : coth(x)
"cotanh"	ex : cotanh(x)
"cotg"		ex : cotg(x)
"cotan"		ex : cotan(x)
"conj"		ex : conj(x+i*y)
"ceil"		ex : ceil(x)
"data"		ex : dataa(x)
"dftd"		ex : dftda(x)
"dfti"		ex : dftia(x)
"degrees"	ex : degrees(Pi/2.0)
"exp"		ex : exp(x)
"ent"		ex : ent(x)
"err"		ex : err(x)
"fac"		ex : fac(x)
"floor"		ex : floor(x)
"fit"		ex : fita(x)
"fftd"		ex : fftda(x)
"ffti"		ex : fftia(x)
"gamma"		ex : gamma(x)
"hside"		ex : hside(x)
"int"		ex : int(x)
"im"		ex : im(x+i*y)
"inf"		ex : inf(x,y)
"julia"		ex : julia(x+i*y,x+i*y)
"j'"		ex : j'(x,y)
"j"		ex : j(x,y)
"ln"		ex : ln(x)
"log"		ex : log(x)
"line"		ex : linea(x)
"max"		ex : max(x,y)
"min"		ex : min(x,y)
"mod"		ex : mod(x,y)
"p10"		ex : p10(x)
"pow"		ex : pow(x,y)
"poly"		ex : polya(x)
"psd"		ex : psda(x)
"peak"		ex : peaka(10,x)
"rand"		ex : rand(1000.0)
"radians"	ex : radians(10.0)
"rect"		ex : rect(x)
"re"		ex : re(x+i*y)
"sin"		ex : sin(x)
"sqrt"		ex : sqrt(x)
"sh"		ex : sh(x)
"sgn"		ex : sgn(x)
"sup"		ex : sup(x,y)
"samp"		ex : sampa(x)
"smooth"	ex : smootha(x)
"spline"	ex : splinea(x)
"surf"		ex : surfax(x,y)
"th"		ex : th(x)
"tanh"		ex : tanh(x)
"tg"		ex : tg(x)
"tan"		ex : tan(x)
"wville"	ex : wvillea(x,y)

Set of available options (after a ";") :

"iter="		ex : ;iter=256
"angle="	ex : ;angle=180
"color="	ex : ;color=image
"sub="		ex : ;sub=5
"majgx="	ex : ;majgx=8
"mingx="	ex : ;mingx=10
"majgy="	ex : ;majgy=6
"mingy="	ex : ;mingy=10
"mesh="		ex : ;mesh=101*51
"cmap="		ex : ;cmap=hot.map
"ccmap="	ex : ;ccmap=jet.map
"mem"		ex : ;mem12=10.0

Set of available constants :

"mem"			ex : mem12
"i","I"			ex : cos(x)+i*sin(y)
"pi","PI","Pi"		ex : Pi/2.0
"eu","EU","Eu"		ex : pow(Eu,x)
"m"			ex : m0
"du"			ex : dua
"fr"			ex : fra
"xmin"			ex : xmina
"xmax"			ex : xmaxa
"ymin"			ex : ymina
"ymax"			ex : ymaxa

[exclamation mark] More info will follow in the next version.